Anxiety Attack by Nick Seluk

Published: 2019
Pages: 60
Format: Paperback
Genre: Non-Fiction
★   ★   ★   ★   ★ – 5 Stars

Created as part of The Awkward Yeti Anxiety Attack Kickstarter, this short comic collection features comics from Lars The Awkward Yeti himself, as well as Heart and Brain and Anomaly Town.

I have been a fan of Nick Seluk’s comics for so many years, I have bought games, supported Kickstarters, and gotten a range of trinkets and goodies featuring some fantastic little characters. I received this comic collection as a Kickstarter perk and while it is a simple, relatively fast read, it’s another amazing collection that speaks to a lot of real topics in a light and humour, but also sincere manner.

Reading Nick’s author messages through the book made me sad though. Seeing him lament about the neglect of Lars the Awkward Yeti was sad, especially when Lars was his original creation, a vessel in which Nick started putting his comics out and exploring his own thoughts and feelings. As much as I love heart and brain, and I can see why the pair of them were so successful and overtook Lars, I always assumed Lars was going strong in his own comics. It wasn’t until recently did I realise how Lars had been pushed to the background, even referenced in one of Nick’s later comics. It was as if Mickey Mouse was suddenly unrecognisable as Donald and Goofy took over the show (The Awkward Yeti is less renowned, but you know what I mean).

I hope to see a resurgence of Lars, he has had a few comic collections of his own, maybe people will think he’s new if they haven’t seen him before and he can gain a better ground. I love Lars because so often I can relate to his experiences. I have the same thoughts and I see myself in so many of Lars’ interactions. I understand why Heart and Brain have such an appeal, their childlike wonder and relatable neurosis are universal. But Lars was a great character too and deserves recognition. Whose heart and brain do they think these belong too?

The entire organ collection from Seluk originated through Lars, Bladder, Gut, and all the others interacted with Lars so well. They brought the comics to life, explained the human/yeti condition, and while there is of course universality in only showcasing organs, sometimes there needs to be a guy in amongst it.

I promise this isn’t me entirely lamenting about a blue Yeti. The actual collection is called Anxiety Attack and feature comics from three of Seluk’s collections: Heart and Brain, Lars, and Anomaly Town, a collection I was less familiar with. Each section has an introduction from Seluk about it, and each keeps to the theme of anxiety and how it can be expressed. Heart and Brain have conversations with themselves, with Lars, and other organs. In Anomaly Town Seluk personifies emotions rather than organs so Depression, Anxiety, and Confidence come to life. I loved seeing a different side. We see Brain be anxious, but seeing Anxiety try to battle with Depression, to push past Introvert to join a party with Self Confidence, it’s a fascinating way to approach the human condition. These comics aren’t seep, or long, or even more than a few panels sometimes, but it was a relief I think to see so many thoughts and feelings I have had myself experienced by others. It isn’t even about being relatable, being relevant is a huge thing with things about humanity. Even if it is the weird, awkward stuff like feelings, emotions, or even the complex going one’s of your internal organs.

I don’t think this particular book is findable since it was a perk, but I definitely suggesting looking up Seluk’s work, if not Lars, then Heart and Brain and all the other organ adventures. They are so funny, so based on truth and life, and can be incredible endearing when you least expect it.

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